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  • Writer's pictureGrumpysarn

New Player Syllabus

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

Godtear has got a lot of new players coming in! You love to see it. This game’s following is not huge yet, but it seems to be growing. I believe that this is because the game is incredibly well designed. Once people play it, they tend to understand its potential.

Godtear, for me, strips away all the parts of miniature wargaming which are not fun. Gluing models together, measuring range, determining line of sight, tracking a million tokens, arguing over half an inch, playing out a game for over an hour when I know I’ve already lost, and trying to choose a faction are all things I could do without. Godtear dispenses with them all whilst preserving the deep, thematic, strategic experience of an asymmetric fantasy war-game. Plus the minis are good. Godtear is lightweight and deep at the same time.

But you know this, or you would not be looking at this article. I digress. This article is a syllabus of material to get you deeper into the game.

This article is for new players because it seems like more are showing up. First of all, the core rulebook and champion cards are available on the SFG web site.

I also encourage you to take a look at the different categories on articles on this blog, particularly Fundamentals, Scenarios, and Champions.

Here is the Banner Bearers Podcast. It's excellent and has several episodes aimed at new players.

Next, here's a list of other things I have written which new players might find helpful. Some are older than others, so bear that in mind:

Turn Zero: How to Deploy (My opinions on some of the individual matchups in this one have changed, but the general principles still apply)

The Godtear Rules FAQ (not actually written by me)

Here are some useful things written by others:

Strength in Numbers - James Doxey How I Lose at Godtear - James Doxey

For videos of actual play, I particularly like:

So you see, there is lots of good content! There are a few podcasts as well, but sadly none of them are actively talking about Godtear these days. Maybe someone should start one! I would definitely be a listener and perhaps a participant if invited.

In any case, let me conclude by saying that none of this is a substitute for table time. The best way to get better at the game is to play the game.

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